Philosopher's Stone 2 DVD Set

This is a two-volumes instructional DVD set on original sleight of hand card magic, in which Zenneth has explained some of the most practical, original colour changes and visual productions as well as routines that using these moves.
There are two dvds in this set, namely: Transformation & Revelation
Disk One: Transformation
- The Wave, Isolation Change, Sandwich Pass, Rotation Change, Basic Zen Change, Zen Change V.1, Zen Change V.2, Zen Change V.3
- Erdnase Transformation, Outjogged Erdnase, Crazy Erdnase, Double Revelation(performance only)
- It's Show Time (under the watch change by Bernard Bilis)
- 3 Times 3 [2nd Time], 3 Times 3 [4th Time]
Disk Two: Revelation
- One Two Punch (Mirror Move and Variations, Snappy Revelation & Variations)
- Poker in the Eyes, In the Hand Cross 4 &5, World Record Aces
- Instant Collectors & The Zendwich
- Room for Maneuvers( by Peter Duffie, performance only)
- Zendwich Aces (performance only)
Hear what experts say about this dvd set:
Zenneth combines eye-popping sleights and flourishes with well-constructed routining. The results are both visually-effective and very magical. - Peter Duffie
...serious card magicians will find much to study and absorb. - Matthew Field, The Magic Circular
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