Collusion DVD by Peter Duffie and Zenneth Kok

Collusion is a collaborated effort by two of the world's finest card magicians, Peter Duffie and his student Zenneth Kok. All the routines in this DVD are visual oriented and require no more than an ordinary deck of cards. With2 hours of performances and in-depth explanation, you will have tremendous enjoyment of scottish flavor card magic.
Illusion vs. Reality – a startling two cards transformation and transposition
- From Illusion to Reality
- Optical, Optional
- Two Card Transpo, in spectator’s hands
D2 - a quick and visual transformation sequence
- Double Double
- Simpler Double Double
- More applications of Double Double
S3 - a move with limitless applications
- Sandwiched Side Steal
- S3 Orbit
- S3 Transposition
- More applications of S3
Flight of Hand – one of the best collectors effect ever created, period.
Room for Maneuver – a core piece of Zenneth’s magic convention act
- Revelations
- Room for Maneuver
- Travelers
Total Running Time: Approx. 120mins
"I have watched Zenneth grow in magic over the years and his technical abilities with a deck of cards have become remarkable. Whether overt, or covert, his skill is now on a level with the very best. When Zenneth first approached me about this project I was happy to agree to it. However, my happiness turned to sheer delight when I saw Zenneth perform the effects. He had selected a collection of my routines and worked them professionally over a period of time - polishing and honing them to the nth degree. He added his own touches and created personal variations that I feel improve upon my original methodology. More than that; he has developed novel presentations and new plot twists that make these routines true audience pleasers." - Peter Duffie